Equine Spirit Sanctuary
A Sanctuary for horses and people who care about horses
(575) 758-1212
How you can help
You, too, can make a difference in the life of a horse or a child. Or both!
There are many different ways that you can show your love of horses and support our programs.
Volunteer at ESS. See our volunteer page for details.
Be a program sponsor or sponsor an ESS equine. Click here for sponsorship form.
Sign up for Smith's Inspiring Donations program.
Send a check. Make checks payable to Equine Spirit Sanctuary and mail to
13 Los Caballos Road, Ranchos de Taos, NM 87557. Or better yet, bring your
check out in person and visit ESS at the same time!
Support our special events and fund raisers. Sign up for our email updates
by filling out the form on our home page.

And know that we will be here,
with your support, to help horses (and donkeys, too)
along with our programs for people also!